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September 30, 2004

Celebrity Mud Slides

As I mentioned yesterday, if/when Mount St Helens erupts, the danger to surrounding settlements will not be lava, but lahars, rivers of ash and mud, that could wipe out entire towns.

I was thinking if there were a lahar so huge that it reached the small town of Burton on Vashon island (in the Puget Sound, north of Tacoma) and wiped it out, people would be talking for years afterwards about Lahar Burton.

07:36 | Seattle | Comments (3)

September 29, 2004

Ash Wednesday?

Oh goodie. Looks like volcanic activity at Mount St Helens. Luckily Seattle is far enough away not to be hit with steaming lava or washed away by lahars (mud flows). We may only get a light dusting of ash, and if Seattle drivers drive in ash like they do in snow, I'll get a day off work.

07:25 | Seattle

September 27, 2004

Under Construction

In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not quite done getting all the bugs out of the new blog. Since the address is different, a lot of links are dead. I assure you I am diligently working to complete this rather mundane and uninteresting task. It does give me the opportunity to re-read and cringe at some of my old posts.

You may also notice entries from April and May are missing (there were no entries in June and August, and only one in July). I'm trying to recover the missing ones since my backups at the time only went up to mid-April, and the site went down at the end of May.

Despite broken links and missing entries, you keep coming back for more. As thanks, here's a pic of me telling Dav what for (thanks Dav).

Chris Ranting at Dav

22:05 | Blog


This site is very funny: Spamusement.

07:36 | Entertainment

September 26, 2004

Soft As A Baby's...

I was standing in the bathroom supplies aisle at the grocery store the other day, contemplating the extensive variety of toilet paper. I couldn't help wonder what prompted companies to feature photos of puppies or babies in blankets in their logos. And then there's Charmin, which inexplicably features an obese grinning bear, clutching a roll in his claw. Why do these companies want us to associate toilet paper with those who don't use their products? Are they trying to use cute animals and babies to distract us from the unappetizing thought of wiping our behinds with their products?

Maybe as a society we're so unwilling to acknowledge the dirty biological aspects of life, that images of kittens chasing unraveling rolls of tissue have become a euphemism for wiping one's ass.

13:49 | Stuff | Comments (1)

September 24, 2004

Burns' Suit

A few weeks ago, a bunch of us went to a David Lynch festival at the Seattle art museum. They showed Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. Despite the fact I had never seen the series, I enjoyed the movie.

Not being the kind of guy who actually jumps on a bandwagon when the subject is still cool (to my credit, I was 12 when the series aired), I attended the first of many Twin Peaks nights at Rick and Vanessa's, who rented the series.

We popped in the first DVD, only to find the pilot episode wasn't included. We called around and eventually found a video store that carried it (albeit on VHS). We rented it, then sat down for two hours of grainy dancing midgets.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the series, and possibly going on a road trip to the actual town of Twin Peaks, Washington. I wonder if the punks there really do dress like 50's greasers.

06:59 | Entertainment | Comments (1)

September 23, 2004

Good And Bad At MS

Things have been both good and bad for Microsoft in my blogging absence.

Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) has been released. If you haven't gotten it yet, please go get it now.
A flaw in the way some Microsoft product render JPEG images can, and has been exploited.
I started a technical blog all about the .NET Garbage Collector.
I'm sure only a fraction of my readers care. That's ok, I'm sure only a fraction of my GC blog care about my rants.

07:04 | Nerd

September 22, 2004

The Rant Is Back

Hey everybody! Yes, I got One Big Rant up and running again. For now I'm just using the default powder-blue template provided in Movable Type 3.1, but I decided content is king, and I should start blogging, even if the site looks lame. For all of you reading my RSS feed, you don't care anyway.

It's been an exciting couple of months since I went dark, and I plan to fill you in. That is, assuming anyone is still reading this...

07:51 | Blog | Comments (3)

September 20, 2004

No Peeking!

It's not ready yet!

07:20 | Blog