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January 14, 2002

A Sense Of Community

I was reading my friend Rafi's blog today. He was writing about linking to other blogs and checking his popularity amongst other bloggers. I realize that my "blog" isn't part of any greater blog community, and the only people reading this site are myself and anyone else I personally forced to read it. But you know, I don't care. I was never much of a team player when it comes to hobbies: never on a high school sports team, never part of a club or society (except Boy Scouts).

Don't get me wrong, I would love for lots of people to read this site. Hell, it would bring that extra level of meaning into my life, but you know, I do this because I enjoy it. To hell with the rest of you.

On an unrelated topic, feel free to submit some articles and a possible name for this site! And tell your friends!

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The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of Chris Lyon and do not reflect those of his employer. This site is provided as-is, with no warrantees or guarantees. For entertainment purposes only.