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July 8, 2002

Alone And Thirsty

Ang left for home this morning. Last I heard she made it safe and sound to the airport in Detroit (the city of Brotherly Love) and was waiting for her connecting flight to Toronto. Hopefully she won't have a repeat of last time.

Now that she's gone I can go back to my usual schedule of working and biking home at 9pm. Oh yes, and blogging. Let me start with an apology. I unfairly judged Talking Rain, the additive-free carbonated water. I started off not being able to finish a can of the flavourless stuff, but now I'm a 3 can-a-day junky. I don't know how, or why it happened. TR lacks the sweet sticky-mouth regular pop leaves, and had no caffeine or calories. Apparently, it has also turned me into a walking commercial.

In other non-soda news, I've been invited to Bill Gates' house July 17! Ok, it wasn't a personal invitation, there'll be 100-or-so interns there, but I know he wanted me. Sorry guys, cameras are forbidden, so I won't be adding anything to my Photo Gallery. I still can't believe I'm going to be having dinner with the richest man in the world. Damn!

00:00 | Stuff

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