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August 21, 2002

New Material

I found a dearth of new material I can blog about, however it goes against one of my personal principles of not ranting about someone who may actually read this site. Oh well. I'm writing a new rant about my roommates. To give you a taste and at the same time not spoil the piece, here's an amusing anecdote about Bryant's roommate.

On Saturday, Bryant and my mutual friend Janet had a pot luck dinner to celebrate her 22nd birthday. I decided to make salad and green beans, while Bryant decided to be more adventurous and make salmon. He said it was easy since it only involved 5 ingredients: salmon, lemon, dill, salt and pepper. We bought salmon and lemon at the grocery store, and purposely omitted buying the dill since Bryant assured me he had plenty at his apartment.

On our way back to my apartment to cook the fish, we stopped off at Bryant's place to pick up said dill. His place was in disarray since he was packing to leave the next day. For 10 minutes Bryant searched for the dill, to no avail. Then he noticed he couldn't find any of his other spices save one: onion flakes. Then it dawned on him. His roommate had moved out that morning and had taken the spices back to Boston with him.

"Who takes spices?!" Bryant cried, shaking a fist in the air. "Who does that?!"

I shrugged. "Apparently you roommate does. Maybe he's a starving student, and needs these spices. What school does he go to?"

"Harvard." There goes my starving student theory. "But he's too good for onion flakes!" v "Bryant, put the onion flakes down."

The conversation went on like that for another few minutes. I asked Bryant if his roommate had any reason to do something like this. I then found out that Bryant had been doing his laundry at 3am just to piss his roommate off. We finally concluded that this was his roommate's way of giving Bryant one final "Fuck You!" before leaving. Well played old boy. Well played.

Stay tuned for the crazy adventures of my roommates!

00:00 | Stuff

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