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August 22, 2002

Slow Work Day: Webpage Rant

Ever since signing off on the product on Monday, my days at work have been less than busy. But I've been thinking of you, my loyal readers. I've used this time to start several new Misc Ramblings (the only real reason to visit the site. And a lame one at that), try to take Accessibility Guidelines into account as well as my usual web site tweaking. Why do I go to all this trouble, you ask?

  1. I believe strongly in a WWW that is truly accessible to everyone, including the visually impaired.
  2. I really want to be Jeffrey Zeldman's friend.
  3. Working on my website helps fill the dark empty void in my soul and gives my life purpose.

However this does raise certain issues. The "Content is King" approach I take is directly opposite to Dav's point of view. He believes the web designer, not the viewer should have ultimate control over the look and feel of the website. He would rather allow no user customization than the possibility of someone changing the colour scheme for the hell of it, and let the visually impaired be damned.

Since I'm not a graphic designer, nor do I have any artistic talent whatsoever, I'm not personally offended by people who don't like my website's design. I'm in the process of coming up with some alternate layouts, and giving you the user the ability to choose the way you want this site to look. Why? Because it's a slow work day.

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The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of Chris Lyon and do not reflect those of his employer. This site is provided as-is, with no warrantees or guarantees. For entertainment purposes only.