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September 30, 2002

Photo Time

Last week I signed up to have my grad photo taken. There was a sign-up sheet posted on the wall of the MC building, and I signed up for today. The thing is, I think I signed up for 2:55pm today - right in the middle of my Distributed Systems class. Why would I do such a thing, especially considering I had so much free time during the day? So on Friday I went back to the sign-up page to make sure. It was gone. So I went to the Grad Committee office to find out if I actually made such a brain-dead decision. The guy there told me that the photo guy had taken the page down, and could not be reached. He suggested I show up where the photos are being taken at 9:00am and find out. Yeah... I'll do that. I think I'll just show up at 2:55, miss my otherwise boring class and get some work done in the meantime.

Oh, did I mention the pressure is on for my Imprint news story the same week I have my first midterm (this week)? Remind me again why I volunteer for anything...

00:00 | School

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