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January 29, 2003

The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

Now that I've graduated, and am "in between jobs", I've been watching a lot of television lately, far more than I have in years. As a result, I had a dream that combined aspects from several different TV shows I watched recently.

The Sopranos:
I was the newest member of Tony's crew.
Law and Order:
Yesterday I saw an episode involving a sniper. In my dream, Tony gave me a job as a sniper.
Serta Commercial with Claymation Sheep:
My target as a sniper was a field full of sheep.
Will and Grace:
Let's just say Tony was not amused.

In the end it all worked out. I completed the job for Tony by killing my target (which he later sold in his meat shop), but Tony never looked at me the same way again.

00:00 | Stuff

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