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March 16, 2003

War Blogging

In a conversation I had with my friend Ryan, he mentioned that he was considering starting a blog, but thought that the timing was wrong. Considering the world is on the brink of war, he felt his inane adventures would be self-indulgent and unimportant.

Welcome to the world of blogging, where the self-indulgent and unimportant are a welcome change from the depressing news of looming war, political strife and economic ruin.

I could sit here and blog about why I disagree with the war, or why I think there are bigger threats than Iraq right now, but as others have pointed out, it won't make a difference. So I let the pundits, who are better educated in those fields, lead the way, and instead write about the curious little foibles of my life that keep you all so entertained.

Can you tell I have no foibles to report today?

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