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April 30, 2003

Moving Conflicts

I'm taking the day off work tomorrow to supervise both the movers and the Ikea delivery. Unfortunately, I have no control over what time they're arriving, and it looks like they've both set their respective minds on 8:30am. This means I have to get to Seattle and be in the apartment waiting by 8:00, then hope there's no problem with them both trying to use the same elevator (and driveway). Luckily I don't have that much stuff or this could get ugly (which it still may).

Moving to into the new place is good news for you, my loyal readers. It means I'll have my own computer (assuming it arrives in one piece) and a high-speed Internet connection, which means more quality time for blogging (no more blogging at work and minimizing everything when my boss walks by. Just kidding, I stay late at work to blog. Now that's dedication!) I'll let you know how the move went (expect a rant sometime next week).

I just hope the total damage will be under $1000.

00:00 | Stuff

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