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June 17, 2003

Community Service

Today I spend a good deal of time with various communities. First, I helped out some members of Microsoft's online customer community by answered a few technical questions on some of Microsoft's public news groups. Granted, the questions weren't terribly difficult, but I'm still new and wouldn't trust my own advice.

I also attended a Microsoft weblogger panel discussion, which touched upon such important issues of what's appropriate to blog about, how blogging impacts Microsoft, and how the world will look at you in a different light due to the fact you're a Microsoft blogger. A lot of good points were raised, and I was pleased to find out that Microsoft has no plans to shut down my little soapbox.

One member of the panel was none other than Microsoft evangelist and blogging superstar Robert Scoble, who even answered my question. I asked for those of us who have been blogging since before we started at Microsoft, if, from a legal standpoint, we should scrub our archives clean of any criticisms of Microsoft products, or praises to competitor's.

The answer of course, is no. That would be a sin to the blogging world, and as I already stated, I'm against the idea anyway (besides, Google cache makes it almost impossible to destroy data once it goes live). I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't get fired, or quoted on The Register (whatever you consider worse) because I said I liked Mozilla more than IE.

00:00 | Work

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