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June 21, 2003

How Chris Got His Groove Back

I saw something last night that both confused and amazed me. A few of us went out for dinner and drinks and ended up at Belltown Billiards for some pool. After an excruciatingly long game of 5-person cutthroat (pool in Seattle just isn't the same without Wan Li) we hit the dance floor.

Anyone who knows me knows how bad I am at dancing. I would much prefer to sit in a pub and down pints of dark beers than to have my eardrums pierced by thumping beats. Regardless, dancing was what everyone else seemed to want to do, so I went along.

After a few minutes on the dance floor (and hearing that Indian-style song with the Knight Rider beat), this guy showed up. He was wearing a white Elvis-style jumpsuit with gold sequin, complete with half-length cape. Then the amazing thing happened. After dancing alone for about ten seconds, no less than three girls grabbed him and pulled him into their circle. They then proceeded to grind with him and strip his top off.

Had this guy stumbled on the ultimate secret to get girls? Is sequin what women look for in a man when they go dancing? As far as I know this guy left with all three girls and was "Kung-fu Fighting" all night long.

00:00 | Stuff

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