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June 4, 2003

I'll Have The Usual

I walked up to the Starbuck's counter in my building's cafeteria and before I could order, the woman behind the counter smiled. "Grande non?" she said and rang up my usual order. I nodded and chuckled to myself. She knows my order. I've been coming here every morning for the past few weeks, always ordering the same thing, a grande non-fat milk latte (I figured non-fat is the way to go if I'm sucking back one of these every morning).

It's cool. I always wanted to go to a restaurant or some place and just day "I'll have the usual" and have the server know exactly what I want. I guess that comes part and parcel with a caffeine addiction. Then again, I frequented Tim Hortons much more than Starbuck's and they still had problems getting my order right when I order it, let alone recognizing my face.

00:00 | Stuff

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