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July 1, 2003

Terre De Nos Aïeux

My friend Justin has a terrible habit of putting his foot in his mouth, especially when talking about Canada and world affairs. He once claimed that Canada had not been involved in any wars, and until meeting me, thought Canada was geographically smaller than the United States (he went to MIT, in case any of you thought of sending your children there). Here's an excerpt of the conversation we had yesterday about Canada's upcoming 136th birthday.

Me: "Tomorrow is Canada Day."
Justin: "Canada Day?! What's that?"
Me: "It's the anniversary of the birth of our nation."
Justin: "You call it Canada Day? That's the stupidest name for a holiday I've ever heard."
Me: "Oh yeah? So what do you call America's anniversary?"
Justin (chest swelling with pride): "The fourth of July!"
Me: "You're right Justin. That's a much better name."

I can't believe he walked right into that one.

Happy Dominion Day everyone! And thanks to my Mom and Dad for the card!

00:00 | Canada

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