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August 4, 2003

Stair Master

I went to the gym today as part of my regular routine (and you thought I wouldn't last a week!). Josh and I did the usual cardio, stretching and weights, doing slightly better than the time before.

But for once the story isn't about me.

We saw this guy on the stepper. For those of you who don't know, the stepper is like a mini escalator, except you're facing the wrong way, perpetually climbing the same four steps, and in the process, burning calories. Or at least, that's the idea.

Josh pointed out to me this guy who appeared to be riding the stepper down, only facing the wrong way. He would ride the step down the bottom, then take a giant stride to the top step, then ride down again. He did this for the whole time we were lifting weights. I think someone forgot to explain to him what the point of the machine was.

I saw him walk to the change room when he was done. Not a drop of sweat on him. And I thought I was lazy!

23:06 | Stuff

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