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September 30, 2003

Swedish For Common Sense

I finally broke down and ordered some furniture for the apartment today. Apparently the vacuous emptiness caused by the lack of kitchen table doesn't bother my roommate, but it started getting to me. That and the absence of ceiling fixtures causing the living room to be shrouded in darkness also started bugging me, so some lamps were ordered as well.

Being the trendy, price-conscious consumer that I am, I ordered some Swedish-efficiency-inspired furniture from Ikea. They should be arriving on Sunday, and considering my track record with them, I don't expect any problems.

19:13 | Stuff


you're boring, stop it, you're boring us, yawn, boring.

Posted by: Ian at October 1, 2003 3:35 AM

oh, god, so bored. ahhhhh yaawn...

Posted by: Drew at October 1, 2003 5:18 AM

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