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November 22, 2003

Down With Everything!

Today I was lucky enough to see a procession of protesters march through Seattle's Pike Place Market. There were people dressed all in pink, huge Bush puppets and police escorts. There was even a man dressed as a dolphin riding a bicycle. So what were they protesting? I'm not exactly sure.

One of the problems I've heard about protests in Seattle is that there is seldom just one group protesting. People here seem to be against so many different things that they can't organize themselves into one cohesive unit. What do I mean? Well, I would have to say that the main theme of the protest was anti-FTAA. Also in the crowd were anti-Iraq war protesters, workers union representatives, the Seattle Education Association, and people fighting for the need to label genetically modified produce.

I can make an association between unions groups and anti-Free Trade (American jobs for Americans!), but I'm not sure why the teachers or the GMO people were there. And what protest wouldn't be complete without an anti-war slant and puppet of Bush with donkey ears?

A reporter and camera crew walked towards me with the intent on interviewing me. I hurried away into the crowd before they could ask me anything. I wonder what kinds of questions they would have asked?

"Do you support the giving of unlabelled genetically-modified apples to school teachers by students who will be drafted in the Iraq war, only to come home and have their jobs lost to underpaid sweatshop workers?"

Well, when you put it that way...

17:54 | Seattle


one site www.adbusters.com

Posted by: La George at December 1, 2003 11:12 AM

La George Has Made A Mistake
Sorry About That Chris.

The One Site Is
www.adbusters.org not .com

Posted by: La George at December 1, 2003 11:16 AM

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