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November 10, 2003

Lost In Revolutions

I tend to go to the cinema in spurts. Before this weekend, it had been summer when I last saw a movie on the big screen (SWAT - don't bother). This weekend I saw two movies: Matrix Revolutions (thanks to Microsoft), and Lost in Translation.

Matrix Revolutions met, but did not exceed my low expectations. Lots of special effects, lots of explosions, lots of Smith, but very little of the fight scenes that peppered the first and second movies. Speaking as someone who didn't enjoy the second one much either, I think I would have been much happier had this not been a trilogy.

Lost in Translation was interesting. The funny parts were great, and the story of a confused white guy in urban Japan was nostalgic, but I got bored with the "love" story. Murray pulled off some of his patented ad-libbing that made Ghostbusters great, and the film showcased some of the more bizarre aspects of modern Japanese culture (but didn't exaggerate them very much). I think I would have enjoyed it a lot less had I not been bubbling with excitement every time Murray made the same faux pas I did three years ago.

07:30 | Entertainment


Geez, Chris. You must be making a decent cut working where you do. Wanna know how I know? Cuz I go to the movies (blue-collar term, sorry if it's unfamiliar) to see the same things you see at the...cinema! Perhaps it could be a term that the Yankers down there use more often and that's how you picked it up. If this is the case, please make sure you refer to it as 'the movies' from here on in. Well, I'm going to settle back with my Timmies coffee that tastes oh so good and think about going to THE MOVIES!! IT'S CALLED THE MOVIES DAMMIT!! I don't care if you're rich AND American!! MOO!! VEES!!

Posted by: Rew at November 11, 2003 9:56 AM

Worst Ending Ever !!!
the rest of the movie was great.

Posted by: La George at November 12, 2003 5:42 AM

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