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November 13, 2003

You Are What You Eat

All right Dr Freud... riddle me this:

I had a nightmare the other day that someone had cut off the top of my skull and forced me to eat my own brains with a fork, using my skull-cap as a bowl.

And no, I haven't watched Hannibal recently.

20:28 | Stuff


That is the most fucked up thing I ever heard. Go write some code.

Posted by: at November 13, 2003 10:43 PM

probably means you're gay

Posted by: ian at November 14, 2003 3:46 AM

I'm one hell of a psychologist, but I can't tell you what this represents until you tell me exactly what the brains tasted like, and how many tines were on the fork. This most likely points to repressed gaydom (actual legitimate psychological term) or perhaps that you slept with Ian's Mom, or possibly his Dad (that's where the fork tines come in) and have (or have not) repressed the memory. I'm certain there some repression going on. I'm a clinical psychologist. Woof woof.

Posted by: Rew at November 14, 2003 11:51 AM

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