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December 9, 2003

Americans Annoyed By Canadian Pride

According to this story, Americans in a focus group expressed annoyance by Canadians who wear the maple leaf on their backpacks.

This is coming from a nation that plasters its flag on everything from car bumpers to store windows to breakfast cereal boxes. Not to mention advocating replacing the word "French" with "Freedom", boycotting French-sounding companies, going against an international body, then turning around and asking it for help.

Granted, the Canadians who go around shooting off their mouth about how much Canada is "better" than the US are annoying and deserve little respect, but simply wearing a flag on one's backpack shows pride for one's country and its achievements. And last time I checked, Canada was a sovereign and seperate nation than the United States.

We don't wear that flag to show we're not American. We do it because we're Canadian. At least, that's why I wear mine.

07:39 | America


Really; "It makes Americans feel bad."
What is that?? Suck it up, losers. If you don't like it, move abroad and be a "I hate America" American. Or, stay at home and at least try to make changes.

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot; we have an inherent inability to take responsibility for ourselves. It must be the water.

Posted by: Teresa at December 9, 2003 9:04 AM

I think that Americans (this was pointed out in Bowling for Columbine) are inherently afraid of anything and everything. Seeing another flag being flaunted to them could only mean organized resisitance to the American Weigh(t).

Posted by: Rew at December 9, 2003 9:35 AM

I wear the Canadian flag on my backpack so that I won't be confused for an American, when visiting foreign countries and be subsequently shot, raped or abducted. Everyone hates Americans, except Canadians, but don't you dare mistake me for one!

Posted by: ian at December 9, 2003 9:45 AM

It's like they expect us to pretend we are americans.

Posted by: at December 9, 2003 11:18 AM

But shouldn't everyone want to be an American?

Posted by: mark at December 10, 2003 4:13 AM

American's are just jealous because God already blessed Canada, and they have been asking for the last 200 years!

Posted by: at December 20, 2003 12:11 AM

Americans are also jealous because we are not hated as much as them around the world.

Posted by: at December 21, 2003 11:14 AM

"Americans are also jealous because we are not hated as much as them around the world."

Those people around the world are simply as fucked-up-minded as Canadians. LOL!

Posted by: Canadian at April 6, 2004 7:22 PM

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