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January 20, 2004

Caution: May Contain Cola

Contents under pressure. Cap may blow off causing eye or other serious injury. Point away from face and people, especially while opening.

Warning label on a 1-litre bottle of 7up.

I get a real kick out of reading product labels.

07:27 | Stuff


Yeah there's some really moronic ones out there. This one I couldn't believe. This is for real, I'm not making it up.

On a package of salted peanuts: Warning - May contain nuts or traces of nuts.

Thanks, professor. Can I assume there's just as good a chance that it does contain nuts than as it doesn't, then?

Or try this one. On a bottle of pasta sauce: Garlic Roasted Garlic Sauce.

Do they actually roast that garlic in MORE garlic? They forgot the "Warning: May contain garlic or garlic traces. Watch for falling nuts."

Posted by: Rew at January 20, 2004 10:24 AM

When I was a smoker, I was amazed at how many other smokers actually kept the cigarette in their mouth while lighting it. It is clearly stated on every cigarette lighter "DO NOT LIGHT NEAR FACE"

Posted by: ian at January 20, 2004 12:17 PM

Well it's obvious there once was a lawsuit over a bottle of 7up exploded in someone's face LOL

Posted by: Kim at January 23, 2004 9:40 PM

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