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March 22, 2004

Monday Meeting

Every Monday morning, our team meets to discuss the plan for the week. Today my manager brought with him four things he doesn't usually bring to meetings:

He asked me to grab some glasses from the kitchen, then had us pour a glass of each of the drinks he brought. He had been in Vancouver last weekend where he picked up the bottles. He noticed how the second ingredient in American pop is high fructose corn syrup where in Canada, it's plain old sugar. He thinks it's because of a sugar embargo, or something. Anyway, our team spent valuable meeting time having a taste test comparing Canadian pop vs American pop. So who's carbonated drink reigned supreme?

American Coke: 3 to 1
Canadian Dr Pepper: 4 to 0

I was pulling for the home team both times.

20:29 | Work



Posted by: at March 25, 2004 7:29 AM

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