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October 3, 2004

There Really is a Prince Charming!

Reorganizing my bookcase yesterday, I noticed an unfamiliar paperback nestled in between two books. I thought it might have been one of Teresa's, since her books are making an increasing number of cameos on my bookcase. Upon closer inspection, I came to realize if this book was put here by Teresa, it was clearly as a joke. The book: a 1981 pocket paperback of The Man Who Will Be King, a biography of Prince Charles.

The next time Teresa came over, I questioned her about the book. She laughed when I showed it to her, but denied ever seeing it before. So that leaves me in the interesting position of being the proud owner of a book I've never seen before (and have very little interest in reading) that mysteriously appeared on my bookshelf with no clues as to how it got there. Too bad I can't even sell it, since you can get it used on Amazon for a penny.

17:34 | Stuff


give it to gates

Posted by: ian at October 3, 2004 10:14 PM

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