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December 6, 2004

A Holiday Treat

It's that time of year again: Christmas music percolates through department stores loudspeakers, giant iridescent snowflakes adorn street lamps, Salvation Army Santas ring their bells at pedestrians feigning blindness to them, and local grocery stores replace low-fat soy products in their dairy coolers with Egg Nog. This being Seattle, local chain coffee shops have combined my two favourite drinks into the wholly unappealing-sounding Egg Nog Latte.

It's a rich, bitter drink that both lulls you to sleep with its warm creaminess, and jolts you awake with its Arabica perk. Although I felt a little sick after only 8 of the 16 creamy oz, I was happy with my purchase. I highly recommend it as a drink to fill your gut with warm eggy caffeine and Christmas spirit.

20:18 | Seattle


Have you applied to be a writer for the Seattle Times Food & Wine section? "It's a rich, bitter drink that both lulls you to sleep with its warm creaminess, and jolts you awake with its Arabica perk." .... you could be one of those reviewers that makes cooks get all nervous when you come into the resteraunt :-)


Posted by: Shawn at December 9, 2004 12:10 PM

Oh, and by the way ... take out the portion about being sick, and the entire last paragraph can be read in Kelsey Grammar voice. You're not doing much to help the Frasier image :-)

Posted by: Shawn at December 9, 2004 12:12 PM

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