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January 11, 2005

Look At The Liberators

I don't know what's worse, the torture of Iraqis by Americans at Abu Ghraib prison, or the justifications used by the soldier's defense attorney.

Thank goodness Saddam is gone so he can't torture any more of his people. I mean, why should he get all the fun?

Update: For those of you who have seen the photos and think the abuse "wasn't that bad", take a look at some of the victims' testimonies (registration required). It includes beatings, threats to rape their wives, forcing them to eat pork and to make statements against their Muslim faith. Remember that not all these prisoners were insurgents; one was imprisoned for stealing a car.

Sorry, but shit like this really makes me sick.

07:56 | Iraq War


That's why it's best to take a head-in-the-sand approach to world events.

Posted by: ian at January 12, 2005 7:46 AM

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