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April 26, 2005

Spring Has Sprang

It's springtime in Seattle, which means only 80% of our daylight is filtered though gray canopies of clouds. According to the weather reports, it's been over 20°C (70°F) all this week, but I wouldn't know. When I leave for work in the mornings it's still cool enough to see steam rising off my coffee, and by the time the sun sets in the evenings it's almost cold. Every day this week I optimistically wear sandals, but since I know better, I also bring a jacket, which means I pretty much blend in with most Seattleites.

Seattle is the kind of city where you need to bring an umbrella and sunglasses with you when you leave the house. Far be it from me to call the weather forecasters incompetent; they've just had bad track records.

I can't believe I just blogged about the freakin' weather. I must be tired...

22:03 | Seattle

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