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June 8, 2005

Dav and Khris and T's Excellent Adventure

I have been pretty bad about blogging about my exciting weekends. Three weekends ago, Dav came to visit. The first time he visited me in Seattle, I had only been here two months, so basically all I knew were the touristy things (Space Needle, monorail, Starbucks) and my immediate neighbourhood. This time, older and wiser (also accompanied by Teresa), we showed Dav some of the cooler parts of town, like The Stumbling Monk on Capitol Hill, Gasworks Park and Freemont. We also stayed up all night and drank a lot of beer.

Then we hit a rift in the space-time continuum and visited the future (actually the Seattle Library on 4th Ave):

Chris and Teresa in the Seattle Library

Thanks again for the visit Dav!

20:47 | Stuff

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