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June 19, 2005

Open Letter To My Resident Managers

Dear Apartment Managers,

Thank you for signing for my package that arrived on Friday morning while I was at work. The package is worth several hundred dollars, and I appreciate you holding it, and not leaving it in the lobby. However, I would appreciate in the future that if you sign for a package, then promptly go away for the weekend, to at least call me and try to arrange some time for me to pick up my delivery.

Granted, this was only a piece of personal electronics, not vital by any stretch. But you had no way of knowing what was in that package. For all you knew, it was my much-needed insulin, without which I could have slowly slipped into a diabetic coma as you enjoyed your weekend away from the stresses of on-site apartment management.

Speaking of which, what's the deal with the on-site managers leaving for three days and not letting the tenants know? What if an emergency occurred, like, oh, I don't know, our apartment flooded? It would be nice to have a contact number for such an occasion.

Again, thank you for signing for my delivery. I hope when you get back, well-rested and suntanned, we can arrange for me to pick it up.


11:34 | Rant

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