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November 20, 2005

Sexual Aid Or Child's Toy?

The other day T was out with some friends, so I invited my friend Mike over to watch a movie. As I stated earlier, I don’t have a TV, so I popped the DVD into my computer’s CD-ROM drive and pushed the sofa closer to my 19-inch monitor. As soon as I moved the couch, something caught my eye. It was about 20 centimetres (8 inches) long, made of plastic, was textured with little knobs, had a rounded top and had a handle. Mike and I looked at it, then looked at each other. I told him I had never seen it before in my life. He started laughing and guessed it was Teresa’s.

Now, beside the fact that Mike and I have filthy, childish imaginations, this thing really did look like a sex toy. Then I remembered the weekend before T had a girl’s night at our place (naturally, I was expected to make myself scarce). Maybe guys’ fantasies about what goes on at girl’s nights are actually true, and in the throes of passion, this thing ended up behind the couch.

Then I remembered how the day before, T had a friend over who brought her 8-month-old daughter. Could this be a toddler’s toy? Suddenly I felt dirty. I picked up the "toy" and examined it. The rounded top had a smiley face printed on it. Honestly, I could imagine it being used both ways. But don’t take my word for it:

Sex toy or child's toy?

Child’s toy or sex toy? Read T’s blog for the answer!

(I challenge any of my readers to find a cooler way to introduce my girlfriend’s new blog.)

23:10 | Stuff


Why can't it be both?

Posted by: Bryant at November 23, 2005 12:29 PM

You're a sick, sick man, Bryant.

Posted by: Chris at November 23, 2005 3:12 PM

Didn't I see that in Three Men and a Little lady?

Posted by: Ian at November 23, 2005 5:46 PM

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