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July 9, 2006

Happy Toes

Happy Toes

(No, these aren't my toes.)

20:47 | Stuff


My name is Belinda and I live in Adelaide, South Australia. I only had the privelege of knowing Paul for a very short time. We met in New Zealand in February and instantly got along really well. We kept E-mailing and he then came and stayed with me for about a week when he reached Australia in April. We had a fantastic time, he was just so easy to get along with and funny. I took him sight-seeing and he met my family and friends. Everyone who met him liked him, he was a joy to be around. I will always have fond memories of being there when he saw his fist Kangaroos. When he left, I made the sincere promise that I would be visiting him in Canada. He continued to E-mail me pretty regularly so when I hadn't heard from him in several weeks, I thought I would look him up on the net and see if he had posted a travel Blogg or anything. Instead, I found the reports of his death. I just couldn't believe it. Where is the justice in the world when this guy who has so much to offer the world, is just taken away so suddenly. I know that Paul said he was an only child so I intantly felt for his parents. What a devastating loss for them and made more cruel by the fact that he was on the other side of the world, so far away from them.
I have felt really sad but felt really helpless like I could not do any of the "normal" things that you do when someone dies. Things like attending the funeral or even sending a card to his parents. I guess that is the reason that I am posting a comment here, as a way to share my grief with someone else who knew Paul. If you have read this far, thank you. We have in common that we both thought Paul was a top bloke and are sorry for the fact that we will never get the chance to know him better.

Posted by: at July 20, 2006 5:53 AM

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