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August 1, 2006

Maintaining Intensity

Flipping through my usual news, I came across a headline that caught my eye: "5 p.m.update: Chris strengthens...slightly?" Well, I thought to myself, I have been working out. No, wait a minute, I haven't been working out at all. In fact, I was just eating ice cream right out of the container. Clearly their sources aren't reliable.

Clicking the link brought me to South Florida's Hurricane Blog. Apparently the tropical storm du jour shares a name with yours truly. I think I might subscribe to their feed, if for no other reason than to get headlines like "11 p.m. update: Chris maintains intensity" delivered to my desktop.

22:34 | Stuff


Oh, sorry, pal: The Orlando Sentinel (headline: "Chris is running out of steam") says Chris is "pretty much a skeleton at this point."

Posted by: ryan at August 3, 2006 2:51 PM

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