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November 19, 2006

Canadian Water: On Par With Mexico

Well, I picked a heck of a weekend to visit Vancouver: a water advisory. The heavy rains for the past few days have taken their toll, causing mudslides to soil local drinking water reservoirs. That meant only bottled water for us to drink, and to use to brush our teeth.

The last time I experienced this was my trip to Mexico, and I foolishly thought I would never experience such a health hazard in my native Canada, let alone the third largest city in Canada. Hopefully their Grey Cup win makes up for having to boil their water.

Besides the water situation, Bonnie and I had a great time in Vancouver (as usual). We even caught the Santa Claus parade (complete with Mounties, cowboys, and extras stars from Stargate SG-1).

23:36 | Canada


Hey Chris, those weren't extras from Stargate SG-1 but two of the stars -- Michael Shanks and Chris Judge, along with Gary Jones, the Chevron Guy.


Posted by: Karen at November 20, 2006 8:06 AM

Hi Karen

Thanks for the correction! (as you can probably tell, I don't watch much SG-1)

Posted by: Chris at November 20, 2006 8:12 AM

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