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November 29, 2006

US Tries Dollar Coin, Again

The US Mint is trying once again to get people using the dollar coin, but unlike Canada, it is not discontinuing the paper dollar bill. So how are they going to get people interested? The Susan B Anthony and Sacagawea dollar coins weren't very popular, so who are they getting to replace them? Why, all the presidents!

That's right, the US presidents are back, in coin form. I bet no one thought Nixon would ever be on a coin, and he won't be; until 2016. Personally, I'm waiting for the dollar with my favourite US President ever: William Henry Harrison, who died of pneumonia a month after taking office.

What's interesting is that there's a federal law prohibiting still-living presidents from gracing American money. I wonder how they're going to handle a 71-year-old Clinton holding up production in 2017.

20:30 | America


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