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December 29, 2006

Wrapping Up My Trip

I fly back to Seattle tomorrow, ending another Christmas visit in Southern Ontario. I had a great time seeing friends and family (thanks again to everyone for hosting and coming out to see me). I got to see a little more of Toronto thanks to my brother who has a place in the Junction near Malta Village (I didn't even know Toronto has a Maltese population, let alone one large enough to necessitate their own village). I also spent a lot of my time eating, and I fear this distended belly of mine won't go away anytime soon (yes, the poutine was delicious).

My flight home should be enjoyable, thanks to all the DVDs I got for Christmas (Family Guy, SCTV, The Ben Stiller Show, Fargo). I'm sad to leave, but will be glad to get back to Seattle to spend New Year's with Bonnie and my Seattle friends.

17:24 | Travel


I hope you have a safe flight. Happy New Year to you and Bonnie.

Posted by: Ian at December 29, 2006 11:45 PM

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