Chris' Third Page of Photos

April 3, 2001

Chris' dorm room

This is my room in the dorm. Yes, those are socks hanging up. Yes, they've been there for a month now.

Outside my window

This is what the view outside my window looked like during the big snowstorm in January.

Car covered in snow

Some poor guy trying to uncover his car from under half a meter of snow.

More snow scenes

More scenes from the record-breaking winter.

New toilet

After 3 months of construction, they replaced our century-old toilets with state-of-the-art high-tech Washlettes. They have heated seats, bidet-style water sprayers and a blow dryer. It wouldn't surprise me if it had a sticker on the front that read "Intel Inside".


The first party held after I arrived. We haven't seen many of these people since.

Another photo of the Nomikai

Another scene from the first party. I actually recognize the faces at this table.

Last dinner

Our last dinner with Paul and Miranda.