John's Birthday Party

June 16, 2001

Yukari, Taiza, his girlfriend and Takahiro

Yukari, Taizo and his girlfriend, and Takahiro enjoying the party.

Hilory and Kaoru

Hilory and Kaoru.

Ryan and Moui

Ryan and Moui.

Satoshi, Yukari and John

Satoshi, Yukari and the birthday boy.

John and cake

John and his cake.

John and cake

John can't wait to eat this cake.

John with haori

One of John's gifts, a traditional Japanese jacket, called a haori.

John with books

John leafing though his other gift, a two-book set about Japanese history.

Yukari, Chris, John, Taizo and Moui

Yukari, Chris, John, Taizo and Moui all squeezing into this shot.