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May 17, 2002

Hungry Hungry ATM

Yesterday after work I went to the bank to deposit my paycheck. Since the bank was closed, I used the ATM with my Debit/ATM/Visa Check Card. After logging in, and specifying I wished to deposit a sum of money into my checking account, it then verified my PIN. "Incorrect PIN. Please try again." Ok, I must have made a mistake. I reentered the PIN, and got the same message. Well, I had other PINs for other bank accounts, maybe I should try one of them. After the third "incorrect PIN" message, the machine spat out a receipt telling me that due to the number of incorrect PIN attempts, it has retained my card. Great, it's not like I need my bank card for anything. The only form of American currency I had was the $17 in my wallet and my endorsed paycheck.

I went back this morning and spoke to a bank representative. He told me that the PIN I had entered was my online banking PIN, not my ATM PIN. Oh! How could I be so stupid? He issued me a new ATM card, and told me the new check card would be sent in a week. I asked him what my PIN was for the old Check Card, and he said it gets mailed a few days after the card, for security purposes. Wouldn't it make more sense to send the PIN first? I've got a lot to learn about this country.

00:00 | Rant

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