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June 14, 2002

My Dirty Little Secret

I guess my dirty little secret is out. The folks at Mozilla now know why I haven't made my usual token contribution to the project in the last few months -- I'm working for the enemy.

Yeah, like they really remember who I am. I remember talking to one of the lead testers on IRC just before I came here. He welcomed me to the Mozilla project and asked if I had any questions. I told him I had been a member for a year already and I think I knew what was going on. Embarrassed, he pretended to remember me and told me what a great job I had done. Now I didn't start helping out with Mozilla for recognition, I did it for the hope of a better Internet (I'm so altruistic it hurts). I know it's hard when you have several hundred (thousand?) people helping out, and I didn't really expect anyone to pat me on the back and say "Hey Chris, good job finding that bug, and by the way, thanks for the hours of triaging you've done," but I had hoped someone would have at least recognized my name.

Life is hard, I know.

00:00 | Nerd

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