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July 17, 2002

Dinner With Bill

Yes, tonight is the night I go to Bill Gates' home for a BBBQ (the extra B is for Billionaire). Unfortunately security is pretty tight, so I won't be allowed to bring my camera, backpack or purse (assuming I even had a purse that went with these shoes). I will also have to empty my pockets, and possibly undergo a body cavity search. But it will all be worth it to sit with the upper-crust of society and dine on condor-egg omelettes and Komodo Dragon cutlets. A guy I met here at Microsoft thought the animal was called a kimono dragon. I guess that's the Japanese equivalent of the trouser snake.

But I digress. I just hope Bill won't skimp on the food and serve us hot dogs and potato salad.

I'm under the impression there will be a Q&A session, in which I had better ask a real doozy of a question. Maybe if I impress him enough he will immediately hire me on as Senior VP. Or maybe he'll just nod and smile knowingly right before releasing the hounds on my ass.

00:00 | Work

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