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August 28, 2002

The Decision

As I type this entry, my mentor and manager are discussing my final review. In less than an hour they will make the decision whether to hire me. My hands tremble as I think of what they could be possibly saying:

And so on.

I'll post the verdict here as soon as I find oot.

Update: As it turns out, my manager was MIA for the past hour and my mentor was chatting with another employee. But I've been assured they are now together and discussing my review. In the meantime I've been surfing the web, and to my horror, found out that I had been banned from Slashdot! Maybe this is a good sign. Surely Microsoft employees are first on their ban list...

00:00 | Work

The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of Chris Lyon and do not reflect those of his employer. This site is provided as-is, with no warrantees or guarantees. For entertainment purposes only.