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October 9, 2002

Fatty Fat Fat-Fat

According to the Globe and Mail, one of Canada's national newspapers, one third of American adults are obese. Obese doesn't just mean a little chunky, or portly, or slightly overweight. It means really FAT. Scotty from Star Trek fat. The mother from What's Eating Gilbert Grape fat. That girl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Who Turned Into A Huge Blueberry fat. You get the picture. Worst of all, these people didn't even realize they were morbidly obese.

Now as most of you know, I've lived in the US of A, although the Pacific North-West is one of its most health-conscious regions. Nevertheless, I saw distinct signs that not even Seattle was immune:

And that is why America is the greatest country in the world.

00:00 | America

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