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November 30, 2002

Best Spam Ever

I don't get spam to my Waterloo email account very often, but when I do, it's usually a big occasion. Today I got the funniest spam I have ever seen. This even beats the Become a registered minister email.

WARNING: The following except contains sexual content and may be offensive to, well, everyone. My comments are in italics.

I just want to tell you how about Amanda Lynn.
Yes, I am her fan, and she blows my mind.

Hmm... sounds innocent enough. I guess Amanda Lynn is some sort of celebrity.

If you really want to jerk off, just watch this girl at [address withheld].

Well, he just cut to the chase there, didn't he? I guess that answers my question about what kind of celebrity she is.

If you have adolescents at home, invite them to watch her too, so they can jerk off with you.

Now that's the clincher. Even if I were to go to this website with the sole purpose of masturbating, I seriously doubt I would invite my teenaged roommates/siblings/children over to the computer and make it a group affair.

If you want to send her money by PayPal use Payment Address Or you can visit her at Her web site and send emails to Such a sexy gril

I love it when a woman has a sexy gril.

Yours truly,
Mike Poop

If you can't trust a guy named "Mike Poop", then who can you trust?

00:00 | Nerd

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