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March 19, 2003

Mr Coffee Nerves

I like drinking coffee. Scratch that. I love coffee. When people ask me what I will miss the most about Canada when I move to the United States, I answer without hesitation "Tim Hortons".

When I tell people that I'm considering buying the Tim Hortons coffee maker, I'm always told to write to Tim Hortons, like those Canadians in Scotland did in that commercial, and the company will send me free stuff.

No. This is what will happen if I write that letter: they'll send me a $1 coupon and tell me to cart my ass two hours north to the border.

My parents make decaf at home, so my sister Alexis and I go out to Tim Hortons for our daily caffeine fix. She gets a Double-Double, and I ask for a single-milk single-sugar. It sounds like a simple order, but you wouldn't believe how many times I've had to suffer through Regulars (cream instead of milk), or what tasted like double, or even triple-sugars. I didn't realize the concept of one serving of sugar was so subjective.

But the other day took the proverbial cake. I went through a Tim Hortons drive-thru and ordered my usual, and was treated to a big ole cup of black coffee. Did they just ignore what I ordered and give me what was easiest to make?

But I can't stay mad at Tim Hortons. In fact, I'm drinking one of their coffees while I'm typing this.

00:00 | Rant

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