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September 25, 2003

Belay On!

After a year of inactivity, I've started up indoor rock climbing again. There's a Vertical World in Redmond and one in Seattle, so I can vary my program. I started last week, and will try to go at least once a week from now on.

After a year of not climbing, my skill on the bouldering wall has deteriorated considerably (not that it was ever that great to begin with). I finished a few V0 courses, but being unaccustomed to the height and forearm strength required, I freaked out at the top of one wall. I had finished the course, but felt too tired to attempt the downward climb. I eventually managed to get down safely, but a tad embarrassed.

If there's anyone in the Seattle area interested in starting (or who's good enough to give me some tips), send me an email.

19:57 | Stuff


Yeah, climbing is great. Except when it's part of your job, climbing and balancing, perching and twisting all day long. If you want to get good, try what I do. That is, climb all over while manouvering a 35 pound box that keeps trying to open up on you. There's a challenge. Try it, I dare you! Come on! What are you...chicken? Huh? Braaack buck buck...

Posted by: Drew at September 26, 2003 5:02 AM

Surprisingly there's little climbing and lifting in my line of work, so I have to look to extra-curricular activities.

Posted by: Chris at September 26, 2003 8:36 AM

Quit making excuses! Now pick up that computer terminal and start climbing, cadet!

Posted by: Drew at October 1, 2003 5:20 AM

You can clear some of those. Stupid slow-ass piece of crap computer...

Posted by: Drew at October 1, 2003 5:22 AM

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