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February 4, 2004

Good Birthday

As of yesterday, I am 26 years old. I expect you are all hanging your collective heads in shame for forgetting (all except for Ian, who chose an inexplicably bizarre picture to commemorate it). I celebrated by sneaking out of work at an ungodly early hour (5:30 pm) and went to Teresa's for a wonderful home cooked meal (chicken with cranberries and capers, green beans and mashed sweet potatoes and peach cake for dessert). I hope she doesn't have too high hopes for her birthday meal...

We're going to Washington's Olympic Peninsula this weekend to visit North America's only temperate rainforest.

22:06 | Stuff


Wow. I didn't realize until I saw it in writing how southern that meal was.
And don't worry about my birthday; the chef at Canlis always does a great job.

Posted by: Teresa at February 5, 2004 7:23 AM

Oh, I didn't forget. It's just payback for not hanging out with me when you were in town back when. Nah, just kidding. I didn't forget, I just don't like you much. Nah, just playin', son, just playin'. Happy Birthday, bro. Glad to hear it was a good one. All the best to you in your 26th (that right?) year. Assuming you don't already have all the best, which is possible.

Posted by: Rew at February 6, 2004 12:13 PM

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