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February 14, 2004


I am really sick of hearing about yet another Liberal scandal. It's a wonder the Liberal government managed to post a surplus, what with this sponsorship scandal and the gun registry hitting $2 billion, among others.

Well, at least it's not my tax money. Not that mine is going anywhere better.

13:44 | Canada , | Politics


Uh...yeah. Um...so is anyone else still waiting for these "killer beach logs"? I mean, we could be living in fear here, looking around every corner for huge logs with fangs stalking our every move and sticking us with poison splinters. I mean, rationally, we'll be seeing pictures of big huge old logs on the beach like at Wreck Beach and English Bay, down by Stanley Park, in Vancouver. But who knows! Without the visual... you could be talking about, well, pretty much anything!

Posted by: That Jerk, Drew at February 15, 2004 1:14 AM

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