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May 11, 2004

You Snooze, You Lose

Since I moved to the US, I've noticed certain small differences with Canada that have forced me to modify my behaviour. Like using Imperial Measurements instead of Metric, saying "restroom" instead of "washroom", not making eye-contact with strangers, etc. But there was one thing I was wholly unprepared for, something, after over a year after moving here, I still have not adjusted to: The American Snooze.

Unlike the nine-minute snooze I grew up with and loved for the last twenty years, the American Snooze is seven minutes long. That means four snoozes in a half hour, as opposed to three. This has both good and bad sides. The good side is that more snoozes make me feel like I'm getting more sleep, and more chances to actually get my sleepy ass out of bed. On the bad side, when I'm that groggy, I can't keep track of how many times I've snoozed. One morning I ended up snoozing seven times, because I lost count and had to start over. In Canadian Snoozes, that's over an hour! Luckily for me, I was only forty-nine minutes behind schedule.

Thank you American Snooze!

22:00 | America

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