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December 13, 2004

Good Booze, Bad Food

On Saturday, T and I hosted a small BYOB party/potluck. The booze had to be a higher-end liquor (sorry, no 40 oz Schlitz), and the food had the be some 1950s-era abomination (not unlike those featured in the Gallery of Regrettable Food).

T and I provided Mercury Gin, and no less than three dishes: Swedish meatballs & cocktail wienies, chicken/tuna Jell-o mousse and butterscotch chow mein noodles (the latter being better than it sounds). We had some good contributions, including Spam-Velveeta canapés and chocolate marshmallow cake.

Surprisingly, no one was sick from overdrinking nor from eating the mousse.

07:26 | Stuff


Why did you pick on the mousse? I think people were just as likely to be sick on the generic spam canapes...in fact more so, because more people were willing to eat them!

Posted by: Teresa at December 13, 2004 2:35 PM

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