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February 10, 2005

Runoff Voting Unamerican!

David Goldstein has an interesting post about why Washington State should adopt an Instant Runoff Voting system, considering all the hoopla surrounding the last gubernatorial election. Personally, I think IRV is a good idea, especially since I'm from a multi-party Canada, and loathe the American two-party system. One of Goldy's commenters however, is opposed to IRV, and points to a Northwest Progressive Institute article which gives the lamest argument against IRV I have ever heard. (NPI is a self-described left-wing institute "against corruption and ignorance". Keep that in mind when you read the article). For some reason, I felt the burning need to refute their arguments.

In today's fast paced society, many voters don't have the time to look at all the candidates in detail and decide which ranking they would give each of them.

Today's fast paced society? You mean the kind that will let a voter research the candidates for free on the Internet, from the comfort of their own homes? Even if voters have no interest in other candidates, they don't have to rank them all, just like people don't have to vote for regional sanitation commissioners, but they're on the ballots anyway.

Instead of the traditional system of where the candidate with the most votes wins...

Clearly this guy has never hear of the Electoral College.

Instead of voting in a contest for your favorite thing (say, ice cream) you have to rank all of them.

Um, no you don't. Just vote for the candidate you want, if you don't care to rank them all. Your ballot will not be thrown away (unless you vote for Tiger Tail. That's got to be the nastiest ice cream out there).

Your "second choice" or even your "third choice" could become the winner of the election.

Um, I think that's the whole point.

Instant-runoff voting actually gives third parties more power. This is because under this system, third parties cannot suffer from negative publicity that they were a "spoiler". But third party voters can still influence the election.

Ain't democracy a bitch.

The Democrat now has over 50% of the votes and has the majority vote. The Republican, who recieved [sic]the most of the votes, is the loser.

Yup, and Gore got more votes than Bush in 2000. What's your point?

Instant runoff voting has few advantages. It's too complex to suddenly force onto voters, and it will discourage part of the electorate from voting. This gives a smaller percentage of the electorate more power in deciding elections.

I would love to see the studies they've done to back up that conclusion.

It also serves the interests of third parties. America has a long tradition of a two-party system, and that is part of what makes this nation so strong.

Ah yes, the old "But we've always done things this way, and I'm too old to change!" argument. This guy needs to brush up on his history if he thinks the US has a long tradition of only two parties.

So if voters don't know much about the candidate, they can still confidently vote for or against that candidate despite the fact that they weren't acquainted with the campaign or the race.

Um... what?

While instant-runoff voting may work well in some cities, and in Australia, where the laws and culture are different, it's not a viable option for our state or our country at this time.

Ipso facto (dusts hands after a job well done). What a closer! 'Cause I'll be damned if we end up like those Aussies, with their vegemite and their dingoes.

Sorry about that rant, but the idea someone was using this to support their position really tells you how weak their position must be.

21:54 | Rant


It always comes down to those damn dingoes!

Posted by: mark at February 11, 2005 4:17 AM

I think you could sum up his argument as: "My teacher in high school told me the two-party system was the best, and I'm too lazy to find out otherwise."

Posted by: Teresa at February 11, 2005 7:50 AM

But, the Dingoe ..... ate my baby!

Posted by: Shawn at February 11, 2005 2:03 PM

What are your thoughts on regional sanitation commissioners?

Posted by: CBC at February 14, 2005 6:31 AM

The Garbage Man can!

Posted by: Chris at February 14, 2005 11:54 AM

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