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December 1, 2005

Snow Job

At about 11:00 this morning I heard some commotion outside my office. People were pointing out the window and either gasping with excitement, or with frustration. I peeked my head out to see what the dilly-o. It was snowing big fat flakes outside. I felt irrationally happy all of the sudden. Grinning like a moron, I sought out some of the other Canadians on the team and made sure they saw the white nostalgia falling from the sky. Seattle rarely gets snow, so it's always a treat for me to see even a modest two centimetres of accumulation. Then I thought about how terrible the ride home would be.

For some reason, despite the fact it rains in Seattle for nine months out of the year, Seattleites can't drive when the roads are wet. After a few days of bad traffic and accidents, they eventually clue in. But as soon as there's a sunny dry day, driver's amnesia hits again, and there are traffic jams galore.

I was fearful that my ride home would take hours (especially considering how the whole city shut down the last time it snowed), so I waited until after rush hour to grab the bus. Well, the ride home was fine. The little snow there was had melted by the time we were on the road, so there was relatively no traffic or accidents, and I got home on time.

I didn't say it was an interesting story.

22:10 | Stuff


That's because it's a FASCINATING story!

Posted by: at December 2, 2005 5:24 AM

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