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September 7, 2006

Everyone Knows Mr. Ed

You know what pisses me off? In a time where the US has wars in two countries (Afghanistan and Iraq), are posturing themselves for a third (Iran), where the administration's policies are being criticized (warantless wiretapping, torture, rendition, to name a few), where reconstruction of New Orleans, a year after Hurricane Katrina, is stalled, and an election is less than a month two months away, the most pressing issues for the House of Representatives to debate is that of Horse slaughter?! Just ask Rep. John Sweeney, R-NY why he thinks this issue should take the spotlight:

Everyone knows who Mr. Ed, Secretariat and Silver are. I dare anyone to name a list of famous cattle or chickens... They are American icons that deserve to be treated as such. Would we ever think of slaughtering and serving a bald eagle in this country? The same should be true of the horse.

Personally, I would think America's elected representatives would be more concerned with the 2658 American dead in Iraq than the three horse slaughterhouses in the US.

Update: The bill passed the House. Another choice quote, this time from Representative Nick Rahall, D-WV:

Horses are part of our identity and heritage... yet the merchants of slaughter will have us believe that is fine and dandy to slaughter our horses for the sole purpose, the sole purpose, of sending their flesh overseas to support some warped demand among foreign diners for horse meat.

"Merchants of slaughter"? Well, I guess that's technically accurate, but "warped demand"? Personally, I've eaten horse meat, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Take that, Seabiscuit!

Here's a fun game: substitute Rahall for the name of a member of the Indian parliament, and the word "horse" for "cow". Or maybe a member of the Knesset decrying other nations eating Israeli-farmed pork?

Update 2: Looks like the Washington Post is just as appalled with the House's ridiculous priorities.

01:09 | America , | Politics


It isn't a huge stretch from horse to horse's ass. You can understand the House's concern in this context.

Posted by: Bill at September 7, 2006 7:39 AM

And seriously now, who wouldn't eat a horse with a tasty, tasty name like Seabiscuit?

I'd avoid Seaweed or Seamold, but Seabiscuit? Yum yum give me some!

Posted by: mark at September 11, 2006 7:42 AM

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